Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
II. To a GrandmotherBernard Barton (1784–1849)
“Old age is dark and unlovely.”—OSSIAN.
Calm as the gentle light of summer eves,
Ere twilight dim her dusky mantle weaves;
Because to thee is given, in thy decline,
A heart that does not thanklessly repine
At aught of which the hand of God bereaves,
Yet all He sends with gratitude receives;—
May such a quiet, thankful close be mine!
And hence thy fireside chair appears to me
A peaceful throne, which thou wert formed to fill;
Thy children ministers who do thy will;
And those grandchildren, sporting round thy knee,
Thy little subjects, looking up to thee
As one who claims their fond allegiance still.