Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
IV. “As some dark stream within a cavern’s breast”Anne Charlotte Lynch (1815–1891)
Flows murmuring, moaning for the distant sun,—
So, ere I met thee, murmuring its unrest,
Did my life’s current coldly, darkly run.
And as that stream beneath the sun’s full gaze
Its separate course and life no more maintains,
But now absorbed, transfused, far o’er the plains
It floats, etherealized in those warm rays,—
So, in the sunlight of thy fervid love,
My heart, so long to earth’s dark channels given,
Now soars, all doubt, all pain, all ill above,
And breathes the ether of the upper heaven;
So thy high spirit holds and governs mine,
So is my life, my being, lost in thine.