Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
II. Consolatory Power of a Love of NatureAnna Seward (1747–1809)
And all the sunny hills at distance glow,
And all the brooks, that through the valley flow,
Seem liquid gold. O, had my fate denied
Leisure, and power to taste the sweets that glide
Through wakened minds, as the blest seasons go
On their still varying progress, for the woe
My heart has felt what balm had been supplied?
But where great Nature smiles, as here she smiles,
’Mid verdant vales, and gently swelling hills,
And glassy lakes, and mazy murmuring rills,
And narrow wood-wild lanes, her spell beguiles
Th’ impatient sighs of grief, and reconciles
Poetic minds to life, with all her ills.