William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
The PartingThomas Stanley (1625–1678)
Snatch’d from thy arms
By far less pleasing charms,
Than those I did obey;
But if hereafter thou shalt know
That grief hath killed me, come,
And on my tomb
Drop, drop a tear or two;
Break with thy sighs the silence of my sleep,
And I shall smile in death to see thee weep.
To reinspire
My ashes with new fire,
Or change me to some flower,
Which, planted ’twixt thy breasts, shall grow:
Veil’d in this shape, I will
Dwell with thee still,
Court, kiss, enjoy thee too:
Securely we’ll contemn all envious force,
And thus united be by death’s divorce.