William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
A Song: ‘I smile at Love and all its arts’Sir John Vanbrugh (1664–1726)
The charming Cynthia cried:
Take heed, for Love has piercing darts,
A wounded swam replied.
Once free and blest as you are now,
I trifled with his charms,
I pointed at his little bow,
And sported with his arms;
Till, urged too far, Revenge! he cries,
A fatal shaft he drew,
It took its passage through your eyes,
And to my heart it flew.
To strive, I quickly found,
Was only to increase the pain,
And to enlarge the wound.
Ah! much too well, I fear you knew
What pain I’m to endure,
Since what your eyes alone could do,
Your heart alone can cure.
And that (grant Heaven I may mistake!)
I doubt is doom to bear
A burden for another’s sake,
Who ill rewards its care.