William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
To CynthiaSir Francis Kynaston (1587–1642)
The star-light of serenest skies,
Lest wanting of their heavenly light,
They turn to chaos’ endless night.
The silken snares of thy curl’d hair,
Lest finding neither gold, nor ore,
The curious silkworm work no more.
More snow-white, than the Apennine,
Lest if there be like cold or frost,
The lily be forever lost.
Thy breath, which to all flowers hath lent
Perfumes, lest it being supprest,
No spices grow in all the East.
Which makes the hearts of gods rejoice,
Lest Music hearing no such thing,
The Nightingale forget to sing.
Thy pearly teeth with coral lips,
Lest that the seas cease to bring forth
Gems, which from thee have all their worth.
That’s either in thy mind or face,
Lest virtue overcome by vice,
Make men believe no Paradise.