William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
The ValedictionRichard Baxter (1615–1691)
What do poor mortals see,
Which should esteemed be
Worthy their pleasure?
Is it the mother’s womb,
Or sorrows which soon come,
Or a dark grave and tomb,
Which is their treasure?
How dost thou man deceive
By thy vain glory?
Why do they still believe
Thy false history?
The labourer’s heavy load,
Poverty undertrod,
The world desireth?
Is it distracting cares,
Or heart-tormenting fears,
Or pining grief and tears,
Which man requireth?
Or is it youthful rage,
Or childish toying;
Or is decrepit age
Worth man’s enjoying?
Got by care, fraud, or stealth,
Or short uncertain health,
Which thus befool men?
Or do the serpent’s lies,
By the world’s flatteries
And tempting vanities,
Still overrule them?
Or do they in a dream
Sleep out their season?
Or borne down by lust’s stream,
Which conquers reason?
Pleasantly skip and play,
Whom butchers mean to slay,
Perhaps to-morrow;
In a more brutish sort
Do careless sinners sport,
Or in dead sleep still snort,
As near to sorrow;
Till life, not well begun,
Be sadly ended,
And the web they have spun
Can ne’er be mended.
And what is that to come?
Is it not now as none?
The present stays not.
Time posteth, oh how fast!
Unwelcome death makes haste;
None can call back what’s past—
Judgment delays not.
Though God bring in the light,
Sinners awake not;
Because hell’s out of sight
They sin forsake not.
They know, yet will not know;
Set still, when they should go;
But run for shadows;
While they might taste and know
The living streams that flow,
And crop the flowers that grow,
In Christ’s sweet meadows.
Life’s better slept away
Than as they use it;
In sin and drunken play
Vain men abuse it.
Where no foul vice is new—
Only to Satan true,
God still offended;
Though taught and warned by God,
And his chastising rod,
Keeps still the way that’s broad,
Never mended.
Baptismal vows some make,
But ne’er perform them;
If angels from heaven spake,
’Twould not reform them.
They labour hard for death,
Run themselves out of breath
To overtake it.
Hell is not had for naught,
Damnation’s dearly bought,
And with great labour sought;
They’ll not forsake it.
Their souls are Satan’s fee—
He’ll not abate it;
Grace is refused that’s free,
Mad sinners hate it.
For which they heaven refuse,
And Christ and grace abuse,
And not receive it?
Shall I not guilty be
Of this in some degree,
If hence God would me free,
And I’d not leave it?
My soul, from Sodom fly,
Lest wrath there find thee;
Thy refuge-rest is nigh;
Look not behind thee!
None of this hellish crew;
God’s promise is most true,
Boldly believe it.
My friends are gone before,
And I am near the shore;
My soul stands at the door,
O Lord, receive it!
It trusts Christ and his merits,
The dead He raises;
Join it with blessed spirits,
Who sing thy praises.