William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
To a LadyMatthew Prior (1664–1721)
Who did unequal war pursue,
That more than triumph he might have
In being overcome by you.
My heart was by my tongue belied,
And in my looks you might have read
How much I argued on your side.
Might have sustained an open fight:
For seldom your opinions err;
Your eyes are always in the right.
On Reason’s force with Beauty’s joined?
Could I their prevalence deny,
I must at once be deaf and blind.
I only to the fight aspired;
To keep the beauteous foe in view
Was all the glory I desired.
Contemns the wreath too long delayed,
And, armed with more immediate pow’r,
Calls cruel silence to her aid.
She drops her arms, to gain the field;
Secures her conquest by her flight,
And triumphs, when she seems to yield.
And from the hostile camp withdrew,
With cruel skill the backward reed
He sent; and as he fled, he slew.