William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
Song by Lady Happy, as a Sea-GoddessMargaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (1624?–1674)
In which I keep my Orient pearls:
And modest coral I do wear,
Which blushes when it touches air.
And then the fish lie listening:
Then resting on a rocky stone
I comb my hair with fishes bone:
Doth dry my hair from soaking streams,
His light doth glaze the water’s face,
And make the sea my looking glass.
I see myself as I glide by,
But when the sun begins to burn,
I back into my waters turn,
Then on my head the waters flow
In curlèd waves and circles round,
And thus with eddies I am crowned.