William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
The LureJohn Hall (1627–1656)
Rather than lose thee I’ll arraign
Myself before thee! thou (most fair!) shall be
Thyself the judge:
I’ll never grudge
A law ordained by thee.
A sanguine visage doth disclose;
O! see what aromatic gusts they breathe;
Come, here we’ll sit,
And learn to knit
Them up into a wreath.
Not graced by it, but it by thee;
Then shall the fawning zephyrs wait to hear
What thou shalt say,
And softly play,
While news to me they bear.
Within the windings of thy hair,
See how they steal the choicest odours from
The balmy spring,
That they may bring
Them to thee, when they come.
Cheer’d by the influence of thine eyes,
And others emulating them deny;
They cannot strain
To bloom again,
Where such strong beams do fly.
Since for thy sake so brisk they’re grown,
And such a downy carpet have bespread,
That pure delight
Is freshly dight,
And trick’d in white and red.
Not always such enticements fall;
What know we, whether that rich spring of light
Will stanch his streams
Of golden beams,
Ere the approach of night.
The last to either thee or me?
He can at will his ancient brightness gain;
But thou and I,
When we shall die,
Shall still in dust remain.
To piece the scant’ness of the day,
We’ll pluck the wheels from th’ chariot of the sun,
That he may give
Us time to live,
Till that our scene be done.
Let us dance o’er, not tread the stage;
Though fear and sorrow strive to pull us back,
And still present
Doubts of content,
They shall not make us slack.
To follow after silver hairs;
Let’s not anticipate them long before,
When they begin
To enter in,
Each minute they’ll grow more.
How ’t would its posting course revoke
Ere it shall in the ocean mingled lie;
And what, I pray,
May cause this stay,
But to attest our joy?
Shall dare to lurk or kindle here;
Diviner flames shall in our fancies roll,
Which not depress
To earthliness,
But elevate the soul.
That souls can mingle substances,
That hearts can eas’ly counter-changèd be,
Or at the least
Can alter breasts,
When breasts themselves agree.