William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
IncantationJohn Dryden (1631–1700)
To whom we daily sacrifice;
You powers that dwell with fate below,
And see what men are doomed to do,
Where elements in discord dwell;
Thou god of sleep, arise and tell
Great Zempoalla what strange fate
Must on her dismal vision wait!
By the croaking of the toad,
In their caves that make abode;
Earthly, dun, that pants for breath,
With her swelled sides full of death;
By the crested adders’ pride,
That along the clifts do glide;
By thy visage fierce and black;
By the death’s head on thy back;
By the twisted serpents placed
For a girdle round thy waist;
By the hearts of gold that deck
Thy breast, thy shoulders, and thy neck:
From thy sleepy mansion rise,
And open thy unwilling eyes,
While bubbling springs their music keep,
That use to lull thee in thy sleep.