William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
Harvest HomeJohn Dryden (1631–1700)
Your barns will be full, and your hovels heaped:
Come, my boys, come;
Come, my boys, come;
And merrily roar out harvest home!
Harvest home,
Harvest home;
And merrily roar out harvest home!
Chorus.Come, my boys, come, etc.
For why should a blockhead ha’ one in ten?
One in ten,
One in ten;
For why should a blockhead ha’ one in ten?
Chor.One in ten, etc.
Till pudding and dumpling burn to pot,
Burn to pot,
Burn to pot,
Till pudding and dumpling burn to pot?
Chor.Burn to pot, etc.
And hoigh for the honour of Old England;
Old England,
Old England;
And hoigh for the honour of Old England.
Chor.Old England, etc.