William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
To the Evening StarGeorge Stepney (1663–1707)
To rule the happy realms of love;
Who in the dewy rear of day,
Advancing thy distinguished ray,
Dost other lights as far out-shine
As Cynthia’s silver glories thine;
Known by superior beauty there,
As much as Pastorella here.
Exert, bright star, thy friendly light,
And guide me through the dusky night;
Defrauded of her beams, the Moon
Shines dim, and will be vanished soon.
I would not rob the shepherd’s fold;
I seek no miser’s hoarded gold;
To find a nymph, I’m forced to stray,
Who lately stole my heart away.