William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Restoration Verse. 1910.
Ode: ‘The day is set did earth adorn’Charles Cotton (1630–1687)
To drink the brewing of the main,
And, hot with travel, will ere morn
Carouse it to an ebb again.
Then let us drink, time to improve,
Secure of Cromwell and his spies;
Night will conceal our healths, and love,
For all her thousand thousand eyes.
To Phœbus, and his second rise.
The earth would be a barren place,
Of trees and plants, of herbs and flowers,
To crown her now enamelled face;
Nor can wit spring, nor fancies grow,
Unless we dew our heads in wine,
Plump autumn’s wealthy overflow,
And sprightly issue of the vine.
To Phœbus, and his second rise.
That rust the metal of the mind;
The juice that man to man does, both
In freedom and in friendship bind.
This clears the monarch’s cloudy brows,
And cheers the hearts of sullen swains,
To wearied souls repose allows,
And makes slaves caper in their chains.
To Phœbus, and his second rise.
Its heat and motion, is the spring,
The poet’s head, the subject’s heart;—
’Twas wine made old Anacreon sing.
Then let us quaff it, whilst the night
Serves but to hide such guilty souls
As fly the beauty of the light;
Or dare not pledge our loyal bowls.
Health, and his sceptre to the King.