William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Georgian Verse. 1909.
To the River LodonThomas Warton (1728–1790)
Since first I trod thy banks with alders crown’d,
And thought my way was all through fairy ground,
Beneath thy azure sky, and golden sun:
Where first my Muse to lisp her notes begun!
While pensive Memory traces back the round,
Which fills the varied interval between;
Much pleasure, more of sorrow, marks the scene.
Sweet native stream! those skies and suns so pure
No more return, to cheer my evening road!
Yet still one, joy remains: that nor obscure,
Nor useless, all my vacant days have flow’d,
From youth’s gay dawn to manhood’s prime mature;
Nor with the Muse’s laurel unbestow’d.