William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Georgian Verse. 1909.
Too Plain, Dear Youth, These Tell-tale EyesSoame Jenyns (1704–1787)
My heart your own declare;
But for love’s sake let it suffice
You reign triumphant there.
Nor further urge your sway;
Press not for what I must deny,
For fear I should obey.
Would you a maid undo,
Whose greatest failing is her love,
And that her love for you?
You from her fondness claim,
To ruin in one fatal hour
A life of spotless fame?
Because perhaps you may;
But rather us your utmost skill
To save me, than betray.
Defend, and not pursue;
Since ’tis a task for me too hard
To strive with love and you.