William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Georgian Verse. 1909.
WaterlooSir Aubrey de Vere (1788–1846)
Is it ever thus with idle wreck to strew
Fields such as thine, remorseless Waterloo?
Hopeless the lesson! Vainly hath ever cried
Stern Fate to man—‘So perish human pride!’
Still must the Many combat for the Few:
Still must the noblest blood fair earth bedew:
Tyrants, slaves, freeman, mouldering side by side!
On such a day the World was lost, and won,
By Pompey at Pharsalia: such a day
Saw glorious Hannibal a fugitive:
So faded ’neath the Macedonian Sun
Persia’s pale star: so empire passed away
From Harold’s brow,—but He disdained to live!