William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Georgian Verse. 1909.
The Second MarriageSamuel Bishop (1731–1795)
So, fourteen years ago, I said—
Behold another ring!—‘For what?’
‘To wed thee o’er again—why not?’
Grace, Beauty, Innocence, and Truth;
Taste long admir’d, sense long rever’d,
And all my Molly then appear’d.
If she, by merit since disclosed,
Prove twice the woman I suppos’d,
I plead that double merit now,
To justify a double vow.
With ardour as intense and pure,
As when, amidst the rites divine,
I took thy troth, and plighted mine),
To thee, sweet girl, my second ring
A token, and a pledge, I bring;
With this I wed, till death us part,
Thy riper virtues to my heart;
These virtues, which, before untry’d,
The wife has added to the bride;
Those virtues, whose progressive claim
Endearing wedlock’s very name,
My soul enjoys, my song approves,
For Conscience’s sake, as well as Love’s.
Honour’s high thought, affection’s power,
Discretion’s deed, sound Judgment’s sentence,
And teach me all things—but Repentance.