William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Georgian Verse. 1909.
When I upon Thy Bosom LeanJohn Lapraik (1727–1807)
And fondly clasp thee a’ my ain,
I glory in the sacred ties
That made us ane, wha ance were twain.
A mutual flame inspires us baith—
The tender look, the melting kiss;
Even years shall ne’er destroy our love,
But only gi’e us change o’ bliss.
I ken thy wish is me to please;
Our moments pass sae smooth away
That numbers on us look and gaze.
Weel pleased, they see our happy days,
Nor envy’s sel’ finds aught to blame;
And aye when weary cares arise,
Thy bosom still shall be my hame.
And if that aught disturb my dear,
I’ll bid her laugh her cares away,
And beg her not to drap a tear.
Ha’e I a joy? it’s a’ her ain.
United still her heart and mine;
They’re like the woodbine round the tree,
That’s twined till death shall them disjoin.