William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Georgian Verse. 1909.
The Crook and PlaidIsabel Pagan (c. 1740–1821)
Ilk lassie has a laddie, if she like to confess ’t,
That is dear unto her bosom, whatever be his trade;
But my lover’s aye the laddie that wears the crook and plaid.
And hears the laverocks chanting, new sprung frae ’mang the dew;
His bonnie wee bit doggie, sae frolicsome and glad,
Rins aye before the laddie that wears the crook and plaid.
What if that in his plaidie he hide a bonnie lass?—
Nae doubt there’s a preference due to every trade,
But commend me to the laddie that wears the crook and plaid.
He reads in books of history that learns him meikle skill;
There’s nae sic joyous leisure to be had at ony trade
Save that the laddie follows that wears the crook and plaid.
My laddie is aye cheery, and why should not I?
The prospect o’ the summer can weel mak’ us glad;
Contented is the lassie that wears the crook and plaid.
And following the flocks he pondered upon the truth;
And when he came to be a king, and left his former trade,
’Twas an honour to the laddie that wears the crook and plaid.