William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Georgian Verse. 1909.
Prayer for IndifferenceFrances Greville (1730?–1789)
And prayed till I’ve been weary!
For once, I’ll seek my wish to gain
Of Oberon the Fairy!
Who liv’st in woods unseen;
And oft, by Cynthia’s silver light,
Tripp’st gaily o’er the green:
As ancient stories tell,
And for th’ Athenian Maid who loved,
Thou sought’st a wondrous spell;
Haply, some herb, or tree,
Sovereign as juice from western flower,
Conceals a balm for me.
No tempting charm to please;
Far from the heart such gifts remove,
That sighs for peace and ease.
That, like the needle true,
Turns at the touch of joy or woe;
But, turning, trembles too.
’Tis pain in each degree;
’Tis bliss but to a certain bound,
Beyond—is agony.
Which dooms me still to smart;
Which pleasure can to pain refine,
To pain new pangs impart.
My shattered nerves new-string;
And for my guest, serenely calm,
The nymph Indifference bring.
See expectation fly;
And disappointment in the rear,
That blasts the purposed joy.
My eyes shall then discern;
The heart that throbbed at others’ woe,
Shall then scarce feel its own.
Each moment then shall close;
And tranquil days shall still succeed
To nights of sweet repose.
This one kind comfort send;
And so may never-fading bliss,
Thy flowery paths attend.
Thy tiny footsteps lead
To some new region of delight,
Unknown to mortal tread.
With heaven’s ambrosial dew:
From sweetest, freshest flowers distilled,
That shed fresh sweets for you.
I’ll pass in sober ease;
Half-pleased, contented will I be—
Content, but half to please.