William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Georgian Verse. 1909.
AmbitionEdward Lysaght (1765–1814)
Nor in the lowly cot disdains
To take a bit of dinner;
But would not for a turtle-treat,
Sit with a miser or a cheat,
Or cankered party sinner.
Ease travels with the merry lad
Who whistles by his wagon;
With me she prattles all day long,
And choruses my simple song,
And shares my foaming flagon.
Then who’d for riches make a rout,
Except a doating blockhead?
When Charon takes ’em both aboard,
Of equal worth’s the miser’s hoard
And spendthrift’s empty pocket.
We must not hope for perfect bliss,
And length of life together;
We have no moral liberty
At will to live, at will to die,
In fair or stormy weather.
Fine coaches, livery, servants twenty;—
Yet envy never pains me;
My appetite’s as good as theirs,
I sleep as sound, as free from fears;
I’ve only what maintains me!
Of Tom’s true friendship—and the love
Of bonny black-eyed Jenny,—
Ye gods! my wishes are confined
To—health of body, peace of mind,
Clean linen, and a guinea!