Friendship! mysterious cement of the soul! / Sweet’ner of life! and solder of society! / I owe thee much. Thou hast deserv’d from me / Far, far beyond what I can ever pay. |
—The Grave, ll. 88–91. |
Robert Blair |
The Book of Georgian Verse
Chosen and Edited with Notes by William Stanley Braithwaite
Braithwaite’s magnum opus—and a great landmark in verse anthologies—these three monumental volumes with extensive notes contain 1,796 selections. See also the Books of Elizabethan and Restoration Verse.
Book First |
On the Spring by Thomas Gray |
Ode: To the Cuckoo by Michael Bruce |
Ode to the Gowdspink by Robert Fergusson |
The Enthusiast: An Ode by William Whitehead |
A Satire by Samuel Johnson |
To Mrs. Thrale by Samuel Johnson |
An Ode on Miss Harriet Hanbury, Six Years Old by Sir Charles Hanbury Williams |
To Charlotte Pulteney by Ambrose Philips |
To the Honourable Miss Carteret by Ambrose Philips |
To Miss Georgiana Carteret by Ambrose Philips |
Ode to Leven Water by Tobias George Smollett |
Fati Valet Hora Benigni by Samuel Bishop |
Song: ‘Perhaps it is not love, said I’ by William Shenstone |
Mira’s Song by Mary Leapor |
Patie’s Song by Allan Ramsay |
To Her I Love by James Thomson |
The Young Laird and Edinburgh Katie by Allan Ramsay |
Flavia by William Shenstone |
Fair Hebe by John West, Earl De La Warr |
The Je Ne Sais Quoi by William Whitehead |
To Celia by Henry Fielding |
Written Extempore on a Halfpenny by Henry Fielding |
O Merry May the Maid Be by Sir John Clerk |
The Happy Swain by Ambrose Philips |
The Touch Stone by Samuel Bishop |
O Memory! Thou Fond Deceiver by Oliver Goldsmith |
When Lovely Woman Stoops to Folly by Oliver Goldsmith |
Come, Come, My Good Shepherds by David Garrick |
Doun the Burn, Davie by Robert Crawford |
Song: ‘When Delia on the plain appears’ by George, Lord Lyttelton |
Anna Grenville, Countess Temple Appointed Poet Laureate to the King of the Fairies by Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford |
If Rightly Tuneful Bards Decide by Mark Akenside |
Kate of Aberdeen by John Cunningham |
When I upon Thy Bosom Lean by John Lapraik |
Tweedside by Robert Crawford |
Absence by Richard Jago |
Too Plain, Dear Youth, These Tell-tale Eyes by Soame Jenyns |
Song: ‘O’er desert plains, and rushy meres’ by William Shenstone |
Wooed and Married and a’ by Alexander Ross |
For Ever, Fortune, Wilt Thou Prove by James Thomson |
The Second Marriage by Samuel Bishop |
The Sailor’s Wife by William Julius Mickle |
The Complaint by Mark Akenside |
Song: ‘Oh! forbear to bid me slight her’ by Aaron Hill |
To Fix Her,—’Twere a Task As Vain by Tobias George Smollett |
The Ewe-Buchtin’s Bonnie by Lady Grisel Baillie |
For Lack of Gold by Adam Austin |
Jemmy Dawson by William Shenstone |
Song from Aella by Thomas Chatterton |
Tweedside by John Hay, Marquess of Tweeddale |
Dirge in Cymbeline by William Collins |
Eclogue by Thomas Chatterton |
Werena My Heart Licht I Wad Dee by Lady Grisel Baillie |
Bothwell Bank by John Pinkerton |
Leith Races by Robert Fergusson |
The Daft Days by Robert Fergusson |
Braid Claith by Robert Fergusson |
An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog by Oliver Goldsmith |
Elegy on Madam Blaize by Oliver Goldsmith |
Elegy on the Death of Scots Music by Robert Fergusson |
Elegy on Maggie Johnston by Allan Ramsay |
The Sitting of the Session by Robert Fergusson |
Tullochgorum by John Skinner |
Caller Water by Robert Fergusson |
An Ode to the Earl of Bath by Sir Charles Hanbury Williams |
Epistle to Sir Robert Walpole by Henry Fielding |
Another to the Same by Henry Fielding |
Ode on the Popular Superstitions of the Highlands of Scotland by William Collins |
To the Tron-Kirk Bell by Robert Fergusson |
The Passions by William Collins |
Prayer for Indifference by Frances Greville |
The Progress of Poesy by Thomas Gray |
On a Distant Prospect of Eton College by Thomas Gray |
The Bard by Thomas Gray |
Retaliation by Oliver Goldsmith |
Prologue Spoken by Mr. Garrick at the Opening of the Theatre-Royal by Samuel Johnson |
Song, in Connection with the Shakespeare Jubilee at Stratford upon Avon by David Garrick |
Song to Ælla Lord of the Castle of Bristol in the Days of Yore by Thomas Chatterton |
Chorus from Goddwyn by Thomas Chatterton |
Rule Britannia by James Thomson |
Ballad of Admiral Hosier’s Ghost by Richard Glover |
Logie o’ Buchan by George Halket |
Johnnie Cope by Adam Skirving |
Inscription on a Fountain by Edward Lovibond |
To the River Lodon by Thomas Warton |
After Seeing the Collection of Pictures at Wilton House by Thomas Warton |
Written at an Inn at Henley by William Shenstone |
Hymn to Adversity by Thomas Gray |
Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude by Thomas Gray |
An Excelente Balade of Charitie by Thomas Chatterton |
Eclogue: A Man, a Woman, Sir Roger by Thomas Chatterton |
The Accounte of W. Canynges’ Feast by Thomas Chatterton |
A Useful Hint by Aaron Hill |
Ode to Simplicity by William Collins |
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray |
Elegy Written in Spring by Michael Bruce |
Ode, Written in the Beginning of the Year 1746 by William Collins |
On the Death of a Particular Friend by James Thomson |
On Parent Knees, a Naked New-born Child by Sir William Jones |
The Braes of Yarrow by John Logan |
Hardyknute by Elizabeth, Lady Wardlaw |
Cumnor Hall by William Julius Mickle |
The Braes of Yarrow by William Hamilton of Bangour |
William and Margaret by David Mallet |
A Retrospect by Aaron Hill |
On a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes by Thomas Gray |
In a Hermitage by William Whitehead |
A Song to David by Christopher Smart |
The Deserted Village by Oliver Goldsmith |
Bristowe Tragedie by Thomas Chatterton |
Eclogue: Robert and Raufe by Thomas Chatterton |
On the Death of Dr. Robert Levet by Samuel Johnson |
Last Verses by Thomas Chatterton |
Epitaph, Intended for Himself by James Beattie |
The Grave by Robert Blair |
The Complaint of Nature by Michael Bruce |
To the Evening Star by Mark Akenside |
Ode to Evening by William Collins |
An Ode, in Imitation of Alcaeus by Sir William Jones |
The World’s Treasures by Edward Moore |
Hope by John Langhorne |
Book Second |
To the Muses by William Blake |
Hear the Voice by William Blake |
To Spring by William Blake |
Song: ‘Fresh from the dewy hill, the merry year’ by William Blake |
Gloomy Winter’s Now Awa’ by Robert Tannahill |
Song: ‘How sweet I roam’d from field to field’ by William Blake |
The Echoing Green by William Blake |
Eternity by William Blake |
To the Butterfly by Samuel Rogers |
The Lily and the Rose by William Cowper |
My Pretty Rose-tree by William Blake |
The Rose by William Cowper |
Ah! Sun-flower by William Blake |
The Groves of Blarney by Richard Alfred Millikin |
Logan Braes by John Mayne |
The Rowan Tree by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
Burnham-beeches by Henry Luttrell |
Reeds of Innocence by William Blake |
Infant Joy by William Blake |
Infant Sorrow by William Blake |
A Cradle Song by William Blake |
Cradle Song by Richard Gall |
Nurse’s Song by William Blake |
The Lamb by William Blake |
Laughing Song by William Blake |
The School Boy by William Blake |
The Chimney Sweeper by William Blake |
The Chimney-sweeper by William Blake |
The Little Black Boy by William Blake |
Holy Thursday by William Blake |
A Little Boy Lost by William Blake |
The Little Boy Lost by William Blake |
The Little Boy Found by William Blake |
A Dream by William Blake |
Auguries of Innocence by William Blake |
Song: ‘They who may tell love’s wistful tale’ by Joanna Baillie |
Love’s Secret by William Blake |
A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns |
O Were My Love Yon Lilac Fair by Robert Burns |
My Damon Was the First to Wake by George Crabbe |
Dry Be That Tear by Richard Brinsley Sheridan |
Thou Canst Not Boast by Richard Brinsley Sheridan |
Saw Ye My Wee Thing? by Hector MacNeil |
The Crook and Plaid by Isabel Pagan |
Mary Morison by Robert Burns |
I Lo’ed Ne’er a Laddie but Ane by Hector MacNeil |
O, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast by Robert Burns |
The Maid That Tends the Goats by William Dudgeon |
Of a’ the Airts the Wind Can Blaw by Robert Burns |
Lass, Gin Ye Lo’e Me by James Tytler |
Oh! Dinna Ask Me Gin I Lo’e Thee by John Dunlop |
Bonnie Lesley by Robert Burns |
Jessie, the Flower o’ Dunblane by Robert Tannahill |
Mailligh Mo Stoir by George Ogle |
The Hazelwood Witch by Richard Gall |
The Maid of Llanwellyn by Joanna Baillie |
The Lass o’ Arranteenie by Robert Tannahill |
My Bonnie Mary by Robert Burns |
Kate of Garnavilla by Edward Lysaght |
The Lass o’ Gowrie by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
Loch Erroch Side by James Tytler |
By Yon Burn Side by Robert Tannahill |
Ca’ the Yowes to the Knowes by Robert Burns |
Ca’ the Yowes by Isabel Pagan |
The Braes o’ Balquhither by Robert Tannahill |
O’er the Muir amang the Heather by Jean Glover |
Green Grow the Rashes by Robert Burns |
Could I Find a Bonnie Glen by Anne Grant (M’Vicar) of Laggan |
Epistle from Lord Boringdon to Lord Granville by George Canning |
The Sleeping Beauty by Samuel Rogers |
O, Are Ye Sleepin’, Maggie? by Robert Tannahill |
Blow High! Blow Low! by Charles Dibdin |
The Laird o’ Cockpen by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
Come under My Plaidie by Hector MacNeil |
Loudoun’s Bonnie Woods and Braes by Robert Tannahill |
Duncan Gray by Robert Burns |
Saw Ye Johnny Comin’? by Joanna Baillie |
Woo’d and Married and a’ by Joanna Baillie |
Kind Robin Lo’es Me by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
Auld Robin Gray by Lady Anne Lindsay |
Roy’s Wife by Mrs. Elizabeth Grant of Carron |
John Anderson, My Jo by Robert Burns |
The Boatie Rows by John Ewen |
The Angel by William Blake |
To Mary by William Cowper |
To Mary Unwin by William Cowper |
A Comparison by William Cowper |
Another, To a Young Lady by William Cowper |
And Ye Shall Walk in Silk Attire by Susanna Blamire |
Song: ‘Had I a heart for falsehood framed’ by Richard Brinsley Sheridan |
The Braes o’ Gleniffer by Robert Tannahill |
Saw Ye Ne’er a Lanely Lassie? by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
The Lovely Lass o’ Inverness by Robert Burns |
The Banks o’ Doon by Robert Burns |
My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair by Mrs. Anne Hunter |
Ae Fond Kiss by Robert Burns |
Remembrance by Anne Hunter |
Highland Mary by Robert Burns |
Song: ‘My silks and fine array’ by William Blake |
To Mary in Heaven by Robert Burns |
Cauld Kail in Aberdeen by Alexander, Duke of Gordon |
The Diverting History of John Gilpin by William Cowper |
Hallowe’en by John Mayne |
Epitaph for the tombstone erected over the Marquis of Anglesea’s leg, lost at Waterloo by George Canning |
The Friend of Humanity and the Knife-grinder by George Canning |
Banish Sorrow by George Ogle |
Willie Brewed a Peck o’ Maut by Robert Burns |
Drinking Song by Richard Brinsley Sheridan |
A Cogie o’ Yill by Andrew Shirrefs |
Tam o’ Shanter by Robert Burns |
The Year That’s Awa’ by John Dunlop |
Auld Lang Syne by Robert Burns |
Ambition by Edward Lysaght |
To a Kitten by Joanna Baillie |
On a Goldfinch Starved to Death in His Cage by William Cowper |
On a Spaniel, Called ‘Beau,’ Killing a Young Bird by William Cowper |
Beau’s Reply by William Cowper |
The Dog and the Water-Lily by William Cowper |
On a Tear by Samuel Rogers |
Cavalier’s Song by Robert Graham of Gartmore |
The Outlaw’s Song by Joanna Baillie |
A Man’s a Man for a’ That by Robert Burns |
Caller Herrin’ by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
The Shepherd by William Blake |
The Pleughman by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
Blithe Are We Set wi’ Ither by Ebenezer Picken |
Song: ‘I love the jocund dance’ by William Blake |
A Wish by Samuel Rogers |
An Italian Song by Samuel Rogers |
The Auld House by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
The Poplar Field by William Cowper |
The Shrubbery by William Cowper |
Echo and Silence by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges |
The Wood of Craigie Lea by Robert Tannahill |
London by William Blake |
To a Mouse by Robert Burns |
The Worm by Thomas Gisborne |
To a Mountain Daisy by Robert Burns |
Poverty Parts Gude Companie by Joanna Baillie |
Blind-man’s Buff by William Blake |
The Cotter’s Saturday Night by Robert Burns |
On the Receipt of My Mother’s Picture out of Norfolk by William Cowper |
The Nabob by Susanna Blamire |
My Spectre by William Blake |
Mock on, Mock on, Voltaire, Rousseau by William Blake |
The Mental Traveller by William Blake |
The Crystal Cabinet by William Blake |
Boadicea: an Ode by William Cowper |
Symon and Janet by Andrew Scott |
Bannockburn by Robert Burns |
Wha’ll Be King but Charlie? by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
Charlie Is My Darling by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
There’ll Never Be Peace Till Jamie Comes Hame by Robert Burns |
The White Rose o’ June by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
Lewie Gordon by Alexander Geddes |
He’s Ower the Hills That I Lo’e Weel by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
The Flowers of the Forest by Jane Elliott |
It Was a for Our Rightfu’ King by Robert Burns |
The Deserter’s Meditation by John Philpot Curran |
The Bay of Biscay, O! by Andrew Cherry |
On the Loss of the Royal George by William Cowper |
Verses Supposed to Be Written by Alexander Selkirk During His Solitary Abode on the Island of Juan Fernandez by William Cowper |
The Castaway by William Cowper |
The Tiger by William Blake |
Song: ‘Memory, hither come’ by William Blake |
The Garden of Love by William Blake |
The Whistling Boy That Holds the Plough by George Crabbe |
We’ve Trod the Maze of Error Round by George Crabbe |
Written at Ostend by William Lisle Bowles |
Give Me a Cottage on Some Cambrian Wild by Henry Kirke White |
Life by Anna Letitia Barbauld |
Sir Eustace Grey by George Crabbe |
Influence of Time on Grief by William Lisle Bowles |
Written under the Influence of Delirium by William Cowper |
Tom Bowling’s Epitaph by Charles Dibdin |
Epitaph on a Hare by William Cowper |
November, 1793 by William Lisle Bowles |
Bereavement by William Lisle Bowles |
The Sick Rose by William Blake |
A Retrospect by George Crabbe |
To Him Is Reared No Marble Tomb by William Lisle Bowles |
Dedication of the Designs to Blair’s ‘Grave’ by William Blake |
Tomorrow by John Collins |
Night by William Blake |
‘Bonnie Ran the Burnie Doon’ by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
Good Night by Robert Tannahill |
Midges Dance aboon the Burn by Robert Tannahill |
Fragment of an Ode to the Moon by Henry Kirke White |
Before the Sacrament by Reginald Heber |
By Cool Siloam’s Shady Rill by Reginald Heber |
The Star of Bethlehem by Henry Kirke White |
From Greenland’s Icy Mountains by Reginald Heber |
Heavenward by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
The Land o’ the Leal by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
The Land of Dreams by William Blake |
The Divine Image by William Blake |
Book Third |
Proem by John Keats |
Hymn before Sunrise, in the Vale of Chamouni by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Composed upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth |
To Jane: the Invitation by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Hunting Song by Sir Walter Scott |
Written in March by William Wordsworth |
To My Sister by William Wordsworth |
After Dark Vapours Have Oppressed Our Plains by John Keats |
Song to May by Edward Hovell-Thurlow, Lord Thurlow |
Fragment of an Ode to Maia by John Keats |
The Skylark by James Hogg |
To a Skylark by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
To a Sky-Lark by William Wordsworth |
To a Sky-Lark by William Wordsworth |
On a Faded Violet by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Hie away, Hie away by Sir Walter Scott |
The Beech Tree’s Petition by Thomas Campbell |
The Green Linnet by William Wordsworth |
To the Cuckoo by William Wordsworth |
Fiesolan Idyl by Walter Savage Landor |
To the Daisy by William Wordsworth |
The Small Celandine by William Wordsworth |
Upon a Sweet-Briar by Walter Savage Landor |
The Sparrow’s Nest by William Wordsworth |
To a Butterfly by William Wordsworth |
To a Butterfly by William Wordsworth |
‘O Nightingale, Thou Surely Art’ by William Wordsworth |
The Heron by Edward Hovell-Thurlow, Lord Thurlow |
On the Grasshopper and Cricket by John Keats |
The Sylvan Life by Edward Hovell-Thurlow, Lord Thurlow |
Hymn to Pan by John Keats |
Hymn of Pan by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Invocation to the Spirit of Achilles by Lord Byron |
Echo by Thomas Moore |
Ode to Psyche by John Keats |
Arethusa by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Sappho to Hesperus by Walter Savage Landor |
Love’s Philosophy by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Love’s Young Dream by Thomas Moore |
True-Love, an Thou Be True by Sir Walter Scott |
The Young May Moon by Thomas Moore |
For Music by Lord Byron |
She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron |
The Question by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Heart’s Ease by Walter Savage Landor |
Time’s Sea Hath Been Five Years at Its Slow Ebb by John Keats |
Love by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
With a Guitar—To Jane by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
The Indian Serenade by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Eileen Aroon by Thomas Furlong |
Of Clementina by Walter Savage Landor |
To Lady Anne Hamilton by William Robert Spencer |
Verses: ‘Why write my name ’midst songs and flowers’ by Francis Jeffrey |
Time to Be Wise by Walter Savage Landor |
Lesbia Hath a Beaming Eye by Thomas Moore |
To Ianthe by Walter Savage Landor |
Let Love Remain by Walter Savage Landor |
‘Do You Remember Me?’ by Walter Savage Landor |
Ianthe! You Are Call’d to Cross the Sea! by Walter Savage Landor |
On the Smooth Brow by Walter Savage Landor |
The Adieu by William Robert Spencer |
The Devon Maid by John Keats |
To —— by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms by Thomas Moore |
Maid of Athens, Ere We Part by Lord Byron |
Kilmeny by James Hogg |
‘She Was a Phantom of Delight’ by William Wordsworth |
The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth |
To a Highland Girl by William Wordsworth |
The Hamadryad by Walter Savage Landor |
When the Kye Come Hame by James Hogg |
On a Picture of Leander by John Keats |
Epipsychidion by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Music, When Soft Voices Die by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Last Sonnet: ‘Bright Star, would I were steadfast as thou art’ by John Keats |
Nora’s Vow by Sir Walter Scott |
Brignall Banks by Sir Walter Scott |
Lord Ullin’s Daughter by Thomas Campbell |
Isabella, or The Pot of Basil by John Keats |
Jock o’ Hazeldean by Sir Walter Scott |
Allen-a-Dale by Sir Walter Scott |
County Guy by Sir Walter Scott |
By That Lake Whose Gloomy Shore by Thomas Moore |
Lochinvar by Sir Walter Scott |
The Eve of St. Agnes by John Keats |
To a Bride by Walter Savage Landor |
The Three Roses by Walter Savage Landor |
Harmony in Unlikeness by Charles Lamb |
Wife, Children, and Friends by William Robert Spencer |
The Babie by Hugh Miller |
A Child’s a Plaything for an Hour by Mary Lamb |
Little Aglae by Walter Savage Landor |
The Children Band by Sir Aubrey de Vere |
The Two April Mornings by William Wordsworth |
Love, Hope, and Patience in Education by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Child of a Day by Walter Savage Landor |
On an Infant Dying As Soon As Born by Charles Lamb |
My Love She’s but a Lassie Yet by James Hogg |
To a Young Lady by William Wordsworth |
A Boy’s Song by James Hogg |
Absence by Walter Savage Landor |
Why Art Thou Silent? by William Wordsworth |
Lucy Ashton’s Song by Sir Walter Scott |
Separation by Walter Savage Landor |
Rose Aylmer by Walter Savage Landor |
Rose Aylmer’s Hair, Given by Her Sister by Walter Savage Landor |
In After Time by Walter Savage Landor |
Pleasure! Why Thus Desert the Heart by Walter Savage Landor |
One Year Ago by Walter Savage Landor |
The Appeal by Walter Savage Landor |
The Test by Walter Savage Landor |
Twenty Years Hence by Walter Savage Landor |
Proud Word You Never Spoke by Walter Savage Landor |
Well I Remember How You Smiled by Walter Savage Landor |
Verse: ‘Past ruin’d Ilion Helen lives’ by Walter Savage Landor |
Away My Verse by Walter Savage Landor |
With an Album by Walter Savage Landor |
Written on the Road between Florence and Pisa by Lord Byron |
To ——— by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Clycine’s Song by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Could Love For Ever by Lord Byron |
Longing by Lord Byron |
Song: ‘A weary lot is thine, fair maid’ by Sir Walter Scott |
The Irish Peasant to His Mistress by Thomas Moore |
When He Who Adores Thee by Thomas Moore |
I Had a Dove by John Keats |
We’ll Go No More A-Roving by Lord Byron |
When We Two Parted by Lord Byron |
Fare Thee Well by Lord Byron |
‘When the Lamp Is Shattered’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Rosabelle by Sir Walter Scott |
Song of the Indian Maid by John Keats |
The Ballad of the Dark Ladié by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
The Eve of Saint John by Sir Walter Scott |
They Say That Hope Is Happiness by Lord Byron |
As Hermes Once Took to His Feathers Light by John Keats |
To Fanny by John Keats |
Christabel by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
La Belle Dame Sans Merci by John Keats |
Alonzo the Brave and Fair Imogine by Matthew Gregory Lewis (“Monk Lewis”) |
St. Swithin’s Chair by Sir Walter Scott |
The Liddel Bower by James Hogg |
The Violet by Sir Walter Scott |
Mother, I Cannot Mind My Wheel by Walter Savage Landor |
Proud Maisie by Sir Walter Scott |
The Maid of Neidpath by Sir Walter Scott |
’Tis Sair to Dream by Robert Gilfillan |
Song: ‘Where shall the lover rest’ by Sir Walter Scott |
Alice Brand by Sir Walter Scott |
Oh! Snatch’d away in Beauty’s Bloom by Lord Byron |
’Tis Said That Some Have Died for Love by William Wordsworth |
The Maid’s Lament by Walter Savage Landor |
The Eve of St. Mark by John Keats |
Ode on a Grecian Urn by John Keats |
On Seeing the Elgin Marbles by John Keats |
Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Lord William by Robert Southey |
To One Who Has Been Long in City Pent by John Keats |
‘My Heart Leaps up’ by William Wordsworth |
Influence of Natural Objects by William Wordsworth |
Frost at Midnight by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
To Jane: The Recollection by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
The Cloud by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Michael by William Wordsworth |
‘I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud’ by William Wordsworth |
To Solitude by John Keats |
The Trosachs by William Wordsworth |
Most Sweet It Is with Unuplifted Eyes by William Wordsworth |
The Fountain by William Wordsworth |
The Wishing-gate by William Wordsworth |
The Wishing-gate Destroyed by William Wordsworth |
Yarrow Unvisited by William Wordsworth |
Yarrow Visited by William Wordsworth |
Yarrow Revisited by William Wordsworth |
Expostulation and Reply by William Wordsworth |
The Tables Turned by William Wordsworth |
Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey by William Wordsworth |
Lines Written in the Album at Elbingerode, in the Hartz Forest by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Corinna to Tanagra, from Athens by Walter Savage Landor |
To Homer by John Keats |
To Robert Browning by Walter Savage Landor |
Shakespeare and Milton by Walter Savage Landor |
To Thomas Moore by Lord Byron |
The Garden of Boccaccio by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer by John Keats |
On Catullus by Walter Savage Landor |
Meg Merrilies by John Keats |
Robin Hood by John Keats |
Bards of Passion and of Mirth by John Keats |
Lines on the Mermaid Tavern by John Keats |
On the Sea by John Keats |
Spanish Point by Sir Aubrey de Vere |
Glengariff, I by Sir Aubrey de Vere |
Glengariff, II by Sir Aubrey de Vere |
Gougane Barra by Sir Aubrey de Vere |
The Rock of Cashel by Sir Aubrey de Vere |
As Slow Our Ship by Thomas Moore |
The Meeting of the Waters by Thomas Moore |
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
The Inchcape Rock by Robert Southey |
Clarion by Sir Walter Scott |
Pibroch of Donald Dhu by Sir Walter Scott |
Bonny Dundee by Sir Walter Scott |
Lock the Door, Lariston by James Hogg |
Border Ballad by Sir Walter Scott |
Hail to the Chief by Sir Walter Scott |
Lochiel’s Warning by Thomas Campbell |
Ye Mariners of England by Thomas Campbell |
The Battle of the Baltic by Thomas Campbell |
The Arethusa by Prince Hoare |
The Battle of Blenheim by Robert Southey |
Hohenlinden by Thomas Campbell |
Waterloo by Sir Aubrey de Vere |
Song of Saul before His Last Battle by Lord Byron |
The Destruction of Sennacherib by Lord Byron |
The Minstrel Boy by Thomas Moore |
After the Battle by Thomas Moore |
The Soldier’s Dream by Thomas Campbell |
Soldier, Rest! Thy Warfare o’er by Sir Walter Scott |
Sonnet on Chillon by Lord Byron |
The Prisoner of Chillon by Lord Byron |
France: An Ode by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Regeneration by Walter Savage Landor |
The Isles of Greece by Lord Byron |
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte by Lord Byron |
On an Antique Gem Bearing the Heads of Pericles and Aspasia by George Croly |
When I Have Borne in Memory What Has Tamed by William Wordsworth |
It Is Not to Be Thought of That the Flood by William Wordsworth |
London, 1802 by William Wordsworth |
Written in London, September, 1802 by William Wordsworth |
On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic by William Wordsworth |
To Toussaint L’Ouverture by William Wordsworth |
My Soul Is Like an Enchanted Boat by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Hymn to Intellectual Beauty by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Hellas by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Prometheus by Lord Byron |
Rebecca’s Hymn by Sir Walter Scott |
The Right Use of Prayer by Sir Aubrey de Vere |
A Vision of Repentance by Charles Lamb |
At Home in Heaven by James Montgomery |
Ode to Duty by William Wordsworth |
Character of the Happy Warrior by William Wordsworth |
Resolution and Independence by William Wordsworth |
Dear Harp of My Country by Thomas Moore |
Harp of the North, Farewell! by Sir Walter Scott |
On Music by Walter Savage Landor |
No, Not More Welcome by Thomas Moore |
On Music by Thomas Moore |
The Harp That Once through Tara’s Halls by Thomas Moore |
Fancy by John Keats |
Ode to Tranquillity by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
The Human Seasons by John Keats |
The World Is Too Much with Us; Late and Soon by William Wordsworth |
A Poet!—He Hath Put His Heart to School by William Wordsworth |
Inside of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, I by William Wordsworth |
Inside of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, II by William Wordsworth |
Great Spirits Now on Earth Are Sojourning by John Keats |
The Sonnet, I by William Wordsworth |
The Sonnet, II by William Wordsworth |
When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be by John Keats |
Laodamia by William Wordsworth |
Personal Talk, I by William Wordsworth |
Personal Talk, II by William Wordsworth |
Personal Talk, III by William Wordsworth |
Personal Talk, IV by William Wordsworth |
’Tis the Last Rose of Summer by Thomas Moore |
Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
To Autumn by John Keats |
Autumn by Walter Savage Landor |
Ode to Winter by Thomas Campbell |
The Holly Tree by Robert Southey |
In a Drear-Nighted December by John Keats |
Composed upon the Beach near Calais, 1802 by William Wordsworth |
The Day Is Gone by John Keats |
To Night by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Oh, Come to Me When Daylight Sets by Thomas Moore |
Evening by Sir Walter Scott |
Song to the Evening Star by Thomas Campbell |
To the Evening Star by Thomas Campbell |
To the Moon by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
The Feast of Dian by John Keats |
Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats |
The Nightingale by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Song: ‘Hear, sweet spirit, hear the spell’ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
The Pains of Sleep by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
To Sleep by John Keats |
The Light of Other Days by Thomas Moore |
At the Mid Hour of Night by Thomas Moore |
Ode on Melancholy by John Keats |
Stanzas, Written in Dejection, near Naples by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Stanzas—April, 1814 by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Dejection: An Ode by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Time by Sir Walter Scott |
Mutability by William Wordsworth |
The River of Life by Thomas Campbell |
Wasted, Weary, Wherefore Stay by Sir Walter Scott |
Cavalier Song by Sir Walter Scott |
Stanzas for Music by Lord Byron |
Life by Sir Walter Scott |
Time, Real and Imaginary by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Stanzas Written in His Library by Robert Southey |
My Birthday by Thomas Moore |
On This Day I Complete My Thirty-sixth Year by Lord Byron |
The Day Returns, My Natal Day by Walter Savage Landor |
Epitaph upon the Year 1806 by William Robert Spencer |
The Last Man by Thomas Campbell |
In My Own Album by Charles Lamb |
Cleone to Aspasia by Walter Savage Landor |
Youth and Age by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
To Youth by Walter Savage Landor |
Twist Ye, Twine Ye! by Sir Walter Scott |
After-thought by William Wordsworth |
Persistence by Walter Savage Landor |
To a Cyclamen by Walter Savage Landor |
The World’s Wanderers by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Time Long Past by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
A Lament by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
The Visionary by William Robert Spencer |
On Living Too Long by Walter Savage Landor |
Plays by Walter Savage Landor |
On Lucretia Borgia’s Hair by Walter Savage Landor |
Late Leaves by Walter Savage Landor |
Dirce by Walter Savage Landor |
To My Ninth Decade by Walter Savage Landor |
An Aged Man Who Loved to Doze away by Walter Savage Landor |
Lately Our Songsters Loiter’d in Green Lanes by Walter Savage Landor |
On His Seventy-fifth Birthday by Walter Savage Landor |
Death Stands above Me by Walter Savage Landor |
Years by Walter Savage Landor |
To Age by Walter Savage Landor |
Wrinkles by Walter Savage Landor |
Mutability by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
The Grandame by Charles Lamb |
The Old Familiar Faces by Charles Lamb |
The Butterfly by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Why, Why Repine by Walter Savage Landor |
Adonais by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
For an Epitaph at Fiesole by Walter Savage Landor |
The Opening of the Tomb of Charlemagne by Sir Aubrey de Vere |
Surprised by Joy—Impatient As the Wind by William Wordsworth |
And Thou Art Dead, As Young and Fair by Lord Byron |
‘Strange Fits of Passion Have I Known’ by William Wordsworth |
‘She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways’ by William Wordsworth |
‘I Travelled among Unknown Men’ by William Wordsworth |
‘Three Years She Grew in Sun and Shower’ by William Wordsworth |
‘A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal’ by William Wordsworth |
Hester by Charles Lamb |
Kathleen O’More by George Nugent Reynolds |
Casa’s Dirge by David Macbeth Moir |
Barthram’s Dirge by Robert Surtees |
Matthew by William Wordsworth |
To the Sister of Elia by Walter Savage Landor |
The Wake of William Orr by William Drennan |
Coronach by Sir Walter Scott |
Hymn for the Dead by Sir Walter Scott |
The Death of Artemidora by Walter Savage Landor |
Bishop Bruno by Robert Southey |
Lucy Gray; Or, Solitude by William Wordsworth |
We Are Seven by William Wordsworth |
Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood by William Wordsworth |
Ode on Indolence by John Keats |
To Augusta by Lord Byron |
Epistle to Augusta by Lord Byron |
The Reverie of Poor Susan by William Wordsworth |
The Affliction of Margaret by William Wordsworth |
Farewell to Italy by Walter Savage Landor |
The Sun upon the Weirdlaw Hill by Sir Walter Scott |
Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Lines Written among the Euganean Hills by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Work without Hope by Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
If This Great World of Joy and Pain by William Wordsworth |
On Fame, I by John Keats |
On Fame, II by John Keats |
Song: ‘Rarely, rarely, comest thou’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
The Common Lot by James Montgomery |