William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
New Yankee DoodleT
With haughty gasconading,
And chanting songs, their feats to praise,
While others they’re degrading.
Yankee doodle, fire away,
Cannon loud as thunder;
For brave Decatur, Jones, and Hull
Make Johnny Bull knock under.
Of Yankee skill in fighting;
Behold Decatur with his prize,
Bold Britons now are striking.
Yankee doodle, &c.
To try them on the ocean;
But since we’ve took, and burnt, and sunk,
They’ve got another notion.
Yankee doodle, &c.
But Yankee boys of mettle:
Who will their measures all defeat,
Unless they shortly settle.
Yankee doodle, &c.
But, blast their imposition!
We’ll let the rascals know we’ll fight
In preference to submission.
Yankee doodle, &c.
Until they cry peccavi;
Or, with our well-aim’d Yankee play,
Soon send them to old Davy.
Yankee doodle, crack away,
With cannon loud as thunder;
Our Yankee boys will show them play,
Till Johnny Bull knocks under.