William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
National GratitudeH
God hath given to man below;
Hail to freedom, independence,
Boundless, boundless may they flow!
Favour’d people, bless’d Columbia, happy nation,
Freedom, peace be ever thine.
Own ’twas his almighty hand
Which from Britain’s isle conducted
Patriot heroes to this land;
Then a desert, waste and howling, then a desert,
Now the asylum of the earth.
Nimrod-hunter of the wood?
Who amid the storm of battle,
In the cloud of pillar stood?
’Twas Jehovah, ’twas Jehovah, ’twas Jehovah,
Universal nature’s Lord.
Scorpions gave instead of bread,
Who, educing good from evil,
Hungry babes with plenty fed?
Shout Jehovah, sing Jehovah, shout Jehovah,
Praises, praises be to him.
Independent, sovereign, free,
May Columbia’s grateful millions
Glory, glory give to thee.
Might, dominion, praises, blessing, glory, glory,
All the glory, Lord, be thine.
Bless, O, bless, eternal Sire!
Man adoring, angels hymning,
Love and gratitude inspire.
Rapture feeling, transports shouting, praises sounding,
Hail, they cry, amen, amen!