Samuel Kettell, ed. Specimens of American Poetry. 1829.
By The Quarrels of LoveSelleck Osborn (1783–1826)
Succeeds the recent smile of morn;
Such was the frown of my dear maid
Whose early love was turn’d to scorn!
And quench my too presumptuous flame!
Of my regret how keen the smart!
How glow’d my burning cheek with shame!
That bosom’s purity profane?
Or dare ambrosial sweets to sip,
For which e’en love had sued in vain?
Dissolves, as sunshine breaks the while:
So wept my kind, relenting girl,
When penitence regain’d her smile.
Expands, amidst retiring shade;
’T was thus her eye, of heavenly blue,
All her returning love betray’d.
That bends o’er earth its graceful form,
That shines so cheering to the sight,
When bursting sunbeams chase the storm:
Of promised peace ’tween man and heaven,
So glow’d the blush of yielding love,
While gently murm’ring, “thou ’rt forgiven.”