Samuel Kettell, ed. Specimens of American Poetry. 1829.
By The Pride of the ValleySamuel Woodworth (1784–1842)
Who dwells in a cottage enshrined by a thicket,
Sweet peace and content are the wealth of her dwelling,
And Truth is the porter that waits at the wicket.
The zephyr that lingers on violet-down pinion,
With Spring’s blushing honors delighted to dally,
Ne’er breathed on a blossom in Flora’s dominion,
So lovely as Ellen, the pride of the valley.
She ’s true to her Willie, and kind to her mother,
Nor riches nor honors can tempt her from duty;
Content with her station, she sighs for no other,
Though fortunes and titles have knelt to her beauty.
To me her affections and promise are plighted,
Our ages are equal, our tempers will tally;
O moment of rapture, that sees me united
To lovely young Ellen, the pride of the valley.