Samuel Kettell, ed. Specimens of American Poetry. 1829.
By Critical and Biographical Notice
Nathaniel H. Wright (1787–1824)
NATHANIEL H. WRIGHT was born at Concord, Massachusetts, in 1787. He was brought up to the occupation of a printer, in Boston. In 1809 or 1810, he established a newspaper in Newburyport, called The Independent Whig. He afterwards removed to Boston, and was the editor of another paper, entitled The Kaleidoscope. He died in Boston, May 13, 1824, aged 37. He wrote The Fall of Palmyra, a poem, and Boston, or a Touch at the Times. Besides these publications, he was the author of a multitude of fugitive pieces in the newspapers. He was a poet of considerable talent, and, with proper study and application, might have made a distinguished figure among the writers of the day. The Fall of Palmyra, we have not been able to procure. We are told that the author designed a second edition of it, a year or two after it appeared, but could not find a copy. Boston or a Touch at the Times, is a small pamphlet, and contains the two following pieces, which he selected as specimens of his style and ability.