Samuel Kettell, ed. Specimens of American Poetry. 1829.
By SongJosias Lyndon Arnold (1768–1796)
And flowerets grace the plain,
While shepherds tell the nymphs their loves,
And flaunt in pleasure’s train;
To yonder cottage of my fair
My anxious footsteps tend;
What joy so great as viewing there
A lover and a friend?
The feelings of my heart;
She bears a part in all my woes,
In all my joys—a part.
If e’er she weeps, I kiss the tear,
And bid her sorrows end;
If she is pleased, joy shows me near
A lover and a friend.
Of perfect mind and mien;
She quickly steals all hearts away,
Wherever she is seen.
But though each shepherd’s heart she charms,
And they before her bend,
Round me alone she throws her arms,
A lover and a friend.