Samuel Kettell, ed. Specimens of American Poetry. 1829.
By Critical and Biographical Notice
Josias Lyndon Arnold (1768–1796)
JOSIAS LYNDON ARNOLD was born at Providence, Rhode Island, about the year 1768, and was the son of one of the first settlers and proprietors of St Johnsbury in Vermont. He studied at Dartmouth College, and afterwards officiated for a short time as rector of the Academy at Plainfield in Connecticut. He then removed to Providence and began the study of law. He was admitted to the bar, but did not pursue this profession, as we presently find him exercising the office of a tutor in the college at Providence. On the death of his father he settled in St Johnsbury, where he died June 7th, 1796, in his 29th year. His performances, consisting of a few light and hasty effusions in verse, were published after his death.