Samuel Kettell, ed. Specimens of American Poetry. 1829.
By The Existence of a DeityJoseph Lathrop (1731–1820)
And view the grand and spacious skies,
“There is a God!” my thoughts exclaim,
Who built this vast stupendous frame.
The moon with softer rays by night,
Each rolling planet, glowing star,
Wisdom and power divine declare.
The clouds, which wat’ry blessings pour,
The winter’s frost, the summer’s heat,
This pleasing, awful truth repeat.
Where wild beasts roam, or tame ones feed,
Corn, springing from the lifeless clod,
Confess the agency of God.
My heaving lungs, and beating heart,
My limbs, obsequious to my will,
Show forth my Maker’s power and skill.
The powers of reason more refined,
Bold fancy’s flight, each lively sense
Prove a supreme intelligence.
Shall be the object of my fear;
His goodness, wisdom, truth, and love,
Shall my best passions ever move.
To understand and to fulfil:
His service shall my life employ,
His favor is my highest joy.