Samuel Kettell, ed. Specimens of American Poetry. 1829.
By A Whaling SongJohn Osborn (1713–1753)
And gentle breezes sweep
The ruffling seas, we spread our sails
To plough the wat’ry deep.
Our nimble boats on board,
With craft and rum (our chief regard)
And good provisions stored,
We leave astern, and lose
Its sinking cliffs and lessening sands,
While Zephyr gently blows.
Our sandy shores produce;
With monstrous fish they dare engage,
And dangerous callings choose.
We speed our course away,
With eager minds, and joyful hearts,
To meet the rising day.
We view one constant show;
Above, around, the circling skies,
The rolling seas below.
We stem the frozen pole.
We see the icy islands stand,
The northern billows roll.
Surprising scenes we find;
We lengthen out the tedious day,
And leave the night behind.
Eternal winter reigns;
One day and night fills up the year,
And endless cold maintains.
Great whales in numerous swarms;
And creatures there, that play and leap,
Of strange, unusual forms.
And whales around us play,
We launch our boats into the main,
And swiftly chase our prey.
For an assault design’d;
The sea beneath us foams and roars,
And leaves a wake behind.
And in our irons throw:
She sinks her monstrous body down
Among the waves belows.
We soon renew the fight;
Thrust our sharp lances in amain,
And all her rage excite.
Thick foams the whiten’d sea;
The waves in circles rise around,
And widening roll away.
And blows her redd’ning breath;
She breaks the air, a deaf’ning sound,
While ocean groans beneath.
She stains the frothy seas,
And gasps, and blows her latest blood,
While quivering life decays.
And on the surface lay;
While all with eager haste apply,
To save our deathful prey.