Samuel Kettell, ed. Specimens of American Poetry. 1829.
By FlowersHenry Pickering (1781–1838)
With gladness on his wings, calls forth “Arise!
To trace the hills, the vales, where thousand dyes
The ground adorn,
While the dew sparkles yet within the violet’s eyes:”
In golden slumber sinks, with accent sweet
Mild evening comes to lure the willing feet
With her to stray,
Where’er the bashful flowers the observant eye may greet.
Of music-loving streams they ever keep,
And often in the lucid fountains peep;
Oft, laughing, drink
Of the mad torrent’s spray, perch’d near the thundering steep:
Along the plashy marge, and shallow bed
Of the still waters, they innumerous spread;
Rock’d gently there
The beautiful Nymphæa pillows its bright head.
Within the rocky clefts they love to hide;
And hang adventurous on the steep hill-side;
Or rugged fell,
Where the young eagle waves his wings in youthful pride.
Of forest leaves, where nature wanton plays,
They modest bloom; though through the verdant maze
The tulip-tree
Its golden chalice oft triumphantly displays:
Embedded ’mid its glossy leaves on high,
There the superb Magnolia lures the eye;
While, waving light,
The locust’s myriad tassels scent the ambient sky.
Ye valleys where the spring perpetual reigns,
And flowers unnumber’d o’er the purple plains
Exuberant showers,—
How fancy revels in your lovelier domains!
And yet what numbers spring within the shade,
And blossom where no foot may e’er invade;
Till comes a blight,—
Comes unaware,—and then incontinent they fade!
And thus their lives ambrosial breathe away;
Thus flourish too the lovely and the gay:
And the same doom
Youth, beauty, flower, alike consigns to swift decay.