Samuel Kettell, ed. Specimens of American Poetry. 1829.
By The ConquerorHannah F. Gould (1789–1865)
And the death-cry delights his ear!
The widow is wailing his victory, now,
And his meed is the orphan’s tear!
For a mightier foe comes near;
The plume must be stripp’d from the conqueror’s head,
To nod o’er the conqueror’s bier!
For there is no army to save!
His glory must set in an endless night,
And his honors shall hide in the grave!
Assail’d by remorse and fear;
Nor rod, nor staff help the traveller on,
Nor is there a comforter near.
Nor sprinkle his turf with tears;
His head with a clod of the vale is crown’d,
And a shroud is the buckler he wears.
As a rampart, too weak and thin,
And shivering, and naked hath past away
From the house where it dwelt to sin,
When his last great battle is o’er;
Or, the curtain remove, when it veils the doom
Of the soul on an untried shore!