Samuel Kettell, ed. Specimens of American Poetry. 1829.
By LuciferAlbert G. Greene (1802–1868)
Where is thy heaven-born glory now?
Borne down by the Eternal Will,
O’erpower’d, but retaining still
Some traces of thy noble part,
Sublime in ruin still thou art.
Was with celestial beauty warm.
The matchless grace which then it show’d,
In the third heaven’s refulgence glow’d.
What peerless notes were on thy tongue,
When loud the blest Hosanna rung.
Of seraphs round the eternal throne:
That sight was open unto thee,
Which mortal eye can never see:
Thy feet, with Heaven’s own radiance bright,
Once trod the paths of living light:
None but the arm of Might divine
Could hurl thee from a seat like thine!
Where is thy heaven-born glory now?—
Thy form: there is a grandeur there,
But ’t is the grandeur of despair:
There is a radiance in thine eyes,
But ’t is the fire that never dies.—
Still in thy degradation, great,
Despising time, and scorning fate.
Immutable is Heaven’s decree:
Ages shall pass to ages gone;
Eternity will circle on;
All mortal joy and wo will cease;
All nature’s motion be at peace;
But thou must stand, from all apart,
And be, for ever, what thou art.
Immutable thy fate must be;
Redeeming love is not for thee.