Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Diuine Mercy As Great As God’s DiuinityXXII. John Davies
Then needlesse were it eft to handle it:
As pow’rfull as himselfe we it auoucht,
And hee’s omnipotent: then, if it fit
His pow’r, it is at least most infinit!
Which attribute of his Omnipotence,
That most is mentioned in holy writ,
Is the firm pillar of our confidence,
Sith it to grace hath euer reference.
That is most absolutlie good or great:
Then its the prop that all in all doth beare;
More then most actiue in each glorious feate,
Which by still actiue good doth ill defeate.
Though it seemd passiue when in flesh ’twas shown,
Yet in the flesh that passion had her seate:
God’s a pure act, which ne’re was passiue known,
Who made that flesh he tooke, and held his owne.