Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
“The apostles haue for help euangelists”XCV. Henoch Clapham
And so the churches by them planted be.
Th’ apostles dead, there riseth hellish mists,
Which with the light at no hand cold agree.
Sun darks, stars fal, the moone doth change her hue;
Heauen rols away, as they before did shew.
By baptisme heapes of prophane do rush.
With them, at length, a ministry in crept,
That with the horn God’s ordinance did push.
So antichrist is stept vp to the throne,
Who by his lawes would gouern euery one.
To cal the people from such worship fowle.
The beast he chargeth such with deadly crime,
And killes the man that puls away a soule.
Right much adoe shall persons haue to liue,
To whom the beast doth not his symbole giue.
And fulnesse of the saued come to light:
The elder brother, Iew, shal straight come in,
And mourne for that he had no sooner sight.
Their comming in shal be the Gentiles’ light;
Nor til that time wil sun again be bright.