Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Sonnet XXIV. Barnaby Barnes
Which gave, by promise, to his blessed seede
A land that should all blessings plentie breede,
Rivers of pleasant honnie, milke, and wine;
Whose offspring numberlesse Thou calledst thine;
Whome with thine angels’ manna thou didst feede,
Being before from Pharoe’s bondage freede,
When Moyses first thy statutes did resigne:
Behold, deare God! one, in these daies of grace,
(Since by thy precious bloud thou freede mankinde
By promise,) which a portion and a place
Amongst thy children hopeth for to finde
In gospel’s comfort: through thy bloud’s deare prise
Oh, let him purchase such a Paradise!