Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Sonnet LXXXXIIV. Barnaby Barnes
Monarch of precious mercie! succour send:
I will indevour my vile sinnes to mend,
And to thee my soule sacrifice in psalmes.
High God! whose holy Spirit outrage calmes,
Calme thou my sinfull spirites, which intend
To thy great praise their faculties to lend.
On my soul’s knees I lift my spirit’s palmes,
With humble penitence to purchase grace:
These eyes, this mortall bodie’s skies, down power
Tears of contrition on my blushing face.
Fruites of repentance flourish with this shower:
My soule I feele is comforted and easde:—
Then, Lorde! with my poore offering be well pleasde.