Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Sonnet LXXV. Barnaby Barnes
By which it might mount to that place of rest,
Where Paradise may mee releeve, opprest;
Lend to my tongue an angel’s voice to sing
Thy praise, my comfort—and for ever bring
My notes thereof from the bright East to West.
Thy mercy lend unto my soule distrest,
Thy grace unto my wits:—then shall the sling
Of righteousnesse that monster Sathan kill,
Who with dispaire my deare salvation dared;
And, like the Philistine, stoode breathing still
Proud threats against my soule, for heaven prepared.
At length, I like an angell shall appeare
In spotless white, an angel’s crowne to weare.