
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Sonnet LI

V. Barnaby Barnes

BREAKE thou the jawes of olde Levyathan,

Victorious Conqueror! breake thou the jawes,

Which, full of blasphemie, maligne thy lawes,

Ready to curse, to lie, slaunder, and banne;

Which nothing but abhomination can;

Who, like a rangying lyon, with his pawes

Thy little flocke with daily dread adawes:

Antichrist’s harrould, who with pride beganne

Even into thy triumphant throane to prease,

And therefore his first comfort had forgonne:

The bodie’s ruiner and soule’s disease;

Bawde to that harlot of proude Babilon,

Which mortall man to mortall sinnes inviteth,—

Teare out those fanges with which hee thy flock biteth.