Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
“That Christ did, that thou must die”LXXIII. C. T.
The worldly fraude, the heauenly ioy,
The endles bitter paines of hell,
Tosse them, as tennis-balles, in minde.
And say, who alwaies thinkes of death
Shall neuer looke with cheereful face,
But swarte, and wan, and halfe as dead.
Forbidden beautie’s siluer show,
To good more prone and ready be
Than they whom nature hath decoerd.
Saith he, my plum-round physnomie;
My straight-made lims I will not crooke,
To think of death, of deuill, or God.
My body croukte, of all despisde;
The world I leaue; it loues not me;
I ioy to think on heauenly things.
Doth loth this worldly life;
The wicked stryues in what he can
To whet still pleasure’s knife.
Of deadly naked dart;
To blessed plight it bringes delight
Who gently yeeldes his hart.