Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Stanzas from “The French Historie”LV. Ann Dowriche
Puft vp with fainting staies:
Possese the Lord; so shall you still
Persist in godlie waies.
Esteeme not of this pelfe;
Expresse in deeds what faith you haue,
Examine wel yourselfe.
And tosse it quite away,
All worldlie pompe shall so consume,
And passe without delay.
Recount your life to be:
Remember wel, no blessed fruite
Remaines on cursed tree.
Saluation to attaine;
So shal you see this glittering glose
Set out to be in vaine.
Exempted from aboue;
Expell the qualmes of fond delights,
Excell in godlie loue.
Delight to read his word;
Delaie no time, for he doth still
Defend vs with the sword.
Good gain insues thereby;
Greieue not the Spirit, that warneth you
Great dangers for to flie.
Care for no other, praie;
Considering he your greatest griefes
Can quickly take awaie.
One thing accompt the best;
Onelie the truth and feare of God,
On which our soules must rest.
Molesting miser’s mind;
Marke how these markers oftentimes
Much care and sorrow finde.
Be not these pleasures vaine?
Beleeue in Christ, and so you shall
Be sure to liue againe.