Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Solomon’s Song. Chapter IVL. Dudley Fenner
Loe, faire thou art, my loue;
Thine eyes before thy lockes are like
To the eyes of a doue.
Such also is thy heare;
Of those same goates which doe vpon
The mount of Gilhad sheare.
Which come vpp from washing,
Which all doe bring foorth twinnes, whereof
None wanteth his offspringe.
So comelie is thy speach;
As a pomgranate peece beyonde
Thy locks thy temples reach.
Buylt for an armourie,
In which a thousand targets hang,
All shields of men mightie.
Two young kidds which goates breed,
Such as are twinnes, and such as doe
Among the lilies feede.
And these shades shall flee hence;
I will go to this mount of mirrh
And hill of frankomcense.
And no spotte found in thee:
From Libanon returne, my loue,
From Libanon with me.
Shalt looke; from Schenir see;
From Hermon, and from lions’ dennes,
And mountes where leopards bee.
Thou hast stole with one eye;
Myne heart thou hast stole with one chayne
Which on thy necke doeth lye.
My sister and spouse myne!
Of what goodnes are those thy loues,
More excellent then wine!
Then all the spices will;
The honycombe both of thy lips,
O Spouse, they doe distill.
And milke are; and as well
The sauour of thy garments is
As the Libanon smell.
Garden inclos’de thou art;
As a spring of water enclos’d,
And a well sealed apart.
A pomgranat orchard;
With the fruite of things precious,
As cypres with spiknard.
Cinomon, with the rest
Of incense-trees, mirrh, and santall,
With all spice which is best.
The gardens and the well
Of liuing waters, which flowing
Doest Libanous excell;
And on my garden blowe,
And all the spices thereof lett
The waters ouerflowe.
Him who is lou’d of me;
That he may eate the fruite of his
Things delicate which be.
My garden come am I;
I gather my myrrhe with my spice,
Also with my hony.
With my milk drinck my wine:—
Eate, O my freendes, drinck, and be fill’d,
Ye well-beloued myne.