Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
From “An Epitaphe upon the worthy and honorable Lady, the Lady Knowles”CXXXVI. Thomas Newton
From sicknes, paine, and strife;
And hath ben as a gate to bringe
Her to eternall life.
A greater boone, I knowe:
For she hath made a chaunge, whose blisse
No mortall wight can showe.
Of lords and ladies brave,
Of husband, children, frendes, and kinne,
And courtly states full grave:
The blessed companie
Of sanctes, archangels, patriarches,
And angelles in degree,
Which in the heavenly bower
Melodiously, with one accord,
Ebuccinate God’s power.
Examples daily manifolde
Before our eyes we see,
Which put us in rememberaunce
Of our fragilitie,
For death, our lurking foe;
Sith dye we must most certainly,
But when, we do not knowe.