Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
From “A Discription of Norton’s Falcehood of Yorkshyre, and of his fatall Farewel”CXXX. William Gibson
His blastes are layd full low:
If God command the seas to calme,
They wyll not rage or flow.
If he their state regarde:
And no man lives whose destinie
By him is unpreparde.
And rowles in wallowing waves;
And of his voluntarie wyll
His owne good hap depraves;
How shal he thinke to deal?
How shal his fansie bring him round
To saftie’s shore with sayle?
Alas! what shall he gayne?
What feare by storms do make him quake,
How ofte subjecte to payne!
Is throwne the man unwyse!
Who climes withouten holde on hye,
Beware, I him advise.