Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
“Giue peace in these our dayes, O Lord”CXVII. E. G.
Great daungers are at hand;
Thine enemies with one accord
Christe’s name in euery land
Seeke to deface, roote out, and rase
Thy true right worship in deed.
Be thou the stay, Lord, we thee pray;
Thou helpst alone in all neede.
Through misbeliefe and ill life.
Thy word to offer thou doest not slacke,
Which we vnkindly gaine striue.
With fire and sword this healthfull word
Some persecute and oppresse;
Some with the mouth confesse the trueth,
Without sincere godlinesse.
With grief and repentance true:
Do pearce our hearts our liues to amend,
And by faith Christ renue:
That fear and dread, war and bloodshed,
Through thy sweete mercy and grace,
May from vs slide, thy trueth may bide,
And shine in euery place.