Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
For Seasonable WeatherXXXVIII. George Wither
The ayre and seasons be
To vs so froward unkind,
As we are false to thee,
All fruites would quite away be burn’d,
Or lye in water drown’d,
Or blasted be, or ouerturn’d,
Or chilled on the ground.
Thou still dost mercy shew,
And daign thy creatures to preserue,
That men might thankfull grow;
Yet though from day to day we sinne,
And thy displeasure gaine,
No sooner we to cry beginne,
But pitty we obtaine.
That put vs late to feare,
And when our hopes were almost past,
Then comfort did appeare;
The heauen the earth’s complaints hath heard,
They reconciled be,
And thou such weather hast prepar’d
As we desired of thee.
To thee we doe repay
The due and willing sacrifice
Of giving thanks to-day;
Because such offrings we should not
To render thee be slowe,
Nor let thy mercie be forgot,
Which thou art pleased to showe.