
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Stanzas from “The Holy Roode”

XXIX. John Davies

TO thee, my God, my Lord, my Jesus Christ,

Will I ascribe all glory, pow’r and grace;

Thee will I serve, say pagans what they list,

And with the arms of love thee still embrace;

That for my love in love dost deigne to die

This death of shame, my life to glorifie.

None other booke but thy unclasped side,

Wherein’s contain’d all skills angelical;

None other lesson but “Christ crucified,”

Will I ere learne: for that is all in all;

Wherein selfe curiositie may find

Matter to please the most displeased mind.

Here, by our Master’s nakedness, we learne

What weeds to weare: by his thorn-crowned head

How to adorne us: and we may discerne

By his most bitter gall how to be fed:

How to revenge, by praying for his foes;

And lying on his crosse, how to repose.

O work without example! and O grace

Without deserving! Love, O largest love,

Surmounting measure, that for wormes so base,

And basely bad, such hels of woes doth prove!

Had we been friends what would he then have done,

That, being his foes, no woes for us doth shun?