
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.


XVII. Anonymous

UP, sluggish soule, awake, slumber no more;

This is no time to sleepe in sin secure;

If once the bridegroom passe and shutte the dore,

No entrance will be gained, thou maist be sure.

Now thou art up fill up thy lampe with oile,

Hast thee and light it at the fire of loue;

Watch and attend: what is a little toile

To gaine the entrance to the ioies aboue?

Go meete the bridegroom with low reuerence,

Humbly with patience waite vpon his grace;

Follow his steppes with loue and diligence,

Leaue all for Him, and only Him embrace:

So shalt thou enter with him into rest,

And at his heauenlie table sit and feast.